Sunday, October 15, 2006

Saturday in the park

I hadn't been to Hyde Park since cutting through a corner of it getting off the Tube from the Airport. It's nearby, though, so yesterday I grabbed my pack and set off to walk through it and end up at Royal Albert Hall.

I don't normally take many nature pictures, but the scenery was quite nice and I was in the park for hours. Serpentine Lake being true to its name, I ended up quite far from my intended exit, and walked and walked until I thought I found it again, but my sense of direction was faulty, and I ended up exiting on the far west edge, near Paddington and Kensington.

The sun was shining for most of the day, and I think I enjoyed it more knowing that once I leave here I'm back to the chill of Chicago's autumn.

Finally got to the hall just as the sun was slipping into the last of its hiding places for the day, the one behind the earth itself. So my pictures didn't really turn out at that juncture.

You can see a ton of pictures on the Flickr page. Some of the ones I'm most fond of have to do with the fact that the leaves have finally started to change colour.

I mean color! Dammit.

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