Friday, August 25, 2006

My life is hard

I had to work for about an hour today, so obviously the whole day has been tainted. I cannot remove the stench of work from my day and I'm tired and really looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend. Of four or five days.

Now I'm faced with a conundrum: I don't particularly want to watch anything I've downloaded illegally or any of the DVDs I'm constantly buying on Amazon with all my spare money. And it looks like rain outside, and all of my friends have "jobs," so there's nothing much for me to do.

Pity me, therefore, as I go off to take another nap.

I've had some time to think about unemployment lately. Been revising my resume and gearing up to half-heartedly get out there and start interviewing and what-not, since the place I work on-site has gone all batshit and there's no longer any certainty about anything there.

I have a tendency to go a little bonkers when I don't have work to do for too long, and I think I've finally figured out why: it's because my friends have jobs.

When you're in school you get three months off every year, and it's no big deal because everyone else has this time off, too. Your social life doesn't necessarily have to change all that much (assuming you don't move every summer: thanks again, mom). But with each passing year it seems like less and less of the people I know have nothing better to do all day than provide me with entertainment. This has to change.

I am calling, therefore, on all of you to quit your jobs (I make an exception for those who work for Silver Lining: I know I'll be seeing you often enough once you get fired for no reason). We'll go to the zoo, play games, hang out in cafes and generally fritter away the days in carefree, idyllic bliss.

Except on days when I have to work. Then you're on your own.


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