The Moon Toppling from TurboArt
Matthew at Turbo-Art made this. It's the moon toppling. Delightful. Although it seems to have finished toppling...
He does one-minute drawings if you request them of him. Go and see him.
Matthew at Turbo-Art made this. It's the moon toppling. Delightful. Although it seems to have finished toppling...
He does one-minute drawings if you request them of him. Go and see him.
Posted circa
11:42:00 AM
Labels: Trolling the Web, wasting your time
These drawings are so cool aren't they? Hey have you had a go yourself? Minx has posted a few that other bloggers have done of themselves.
I wonder if he can find Adam for me ...
Warning! Warning!
Highly addictive and very clever. Have a gawp at the fish fingers!
That is an awesome toppling!
Verilion: Haven't done one myself, but I have seen yours. I like the slippers.
Caroline: He only allows a single minute for each drawing. But maybe he's a quick searcher?
Minx: I stole this from you, you know...
Minty: I'm just sad that it seems to have damaged the surface it landed on. You'd think that cheese would land a bit softer.
I'm terribly sorry for interpreting the moon as a heavy floor-smashing pile of weight, but having agonised about how best to do 'The Moon Toppling' it eventually seemed the only way to go. But that's how my head sort of works.
Incidently you've brought me a great deal of site-traffic, and I'm grateful. Thank you :)
Matthew: No worries. I was quite happy with how it turned out.
Glad to increase your traffic as well.
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