Phoctober the fourteenth
Having taken ill the last few days, I was intrigued to find a rest area on my walk home from breakfast. Couch, vacant lot. I thought about climbing the fence and catching a quick nap, but ultimately decided against this course of action.
Sorry to be just getting this in under the wire for the fourteenth. Sick plus busy equals bad blogger.
Other Phoctobering:
All Phoctober posts from this site.
Jefferson Davis says it with flowers.
Baino on motorbikes.
Verilion gets smiley.
Kyklops goes to the park.
Minx tells a story.
The Case of Scarlett and the Kissed Statue.
Taffiny in the country.
It isn't too late to join the fun. Just do a photo post, mention Phoctober, and come and tell me about it in the comments.
So sorry to hear you've been ill. Hope you will soon feel very much better. I'm doing a post at the moment, linking to Phoktober and about the environment for Blog Action Day.
Love that couch shot - there are stories written all over it! :-)
Maht, sorry to hear you have been unwell. Hope you are feeling much better this morning and ready tacklehug the week and al the wonderful things it will bring your way.
I was away and just caught up with the last few days posts, Murphy sounds quite the unnerving boy. But fear not, my senses tell me that he just has a very specialy gift and he "sees creative people".
PS: I can't decide what I want to do for my very first Phoctober photo shoot!
Sorry you have been unwell, I hope you are feeling better (did the pumpkin pancakes help/harm?).
Please do not climb any fences, and take naps on anyone's old cast-off sofa. While you may be able to figure out where it has been, you don't know what has been done to it.
You really aren't much of a germ-a-phobe (excuse my spelling) are you?
We could give you lessons. Cheese while being an incredibly messy boy, is very paranoid about the germs of others. When I pick him up at school he smells like fake strawberries, from his scented hand santizer. And he is forever asking me for reassurance that this or that food item is okay, as in not spoiled, or poisoned.
I too am a bit of a germ-a-phobe, except unlike Cheese, I do not cosider dirt to be dirty.
Oh sorry, you don't feel well is the concern, I seem to have wandered off.
I'm sure it's somebodys bed.
I have couch issues; drives my friends crazy.
Maht, I was disappointed to see that you are bowing out of the Shameless Lions group, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Keep writing, we'll keep reading, and best of luck.
Scarlett & Viaggiatore
Well hope you're all better now and it wasn't the pumpkin pancakes, cos they sounded quite nice. And that couch does look tempting, but I guess it's out there for a reason. Or maybe it's just there to tantalise you.
I've phoctobered myself.
And sending healing veggie vibes to you.
All who wished me a speedy recovery: Thanks very much.
AbVan: Thanks for the reminder about Blog Action Day. My own feeble contribution has just been posted, with links to yours and Debi's.
GayƩ: I would say, for your Phoctober entry, to just go with the first thing that grabs you. If you aren't completely happy, you still have plenty of days left in the month...
Taffiny: The pumpkin pancakes surely did not hurt. And I'm probably not a germophobe, but I wasn't all that likely to actually lie down on the sofa in question.
Scarlett: Yeah, my decision to drop out of the lion group was the right thing for me to do, but I still plan to keep up on the activities going on over there.
Ver: Yes, to remind me with its overstuffed plushiness how tired I was.
Debi: I'm sorry to hear that you've Phoctobered yoursefl. Sounds painful. Oh, wait! Phoctober! Of course, sorry, and welcome aboard. I liked the little tomatoes. Made me sort of hungry. Thanks also for the vibes. I'm nearly out.
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